Château du Val: Saint-Just, France

When your friends invite you to their wedding in a literal castle, you say yes! Ok, so we would have said yes even if it wasn’t in a castle. Not the point. Our road trip culminated at Château du Val, which is located just outside the tiny town of Saint-Just in the Brittany region ofContinue reading “Château du Val: Saint-Just, France”

Dinan, France

A small French town you’ve probably never heard of! Heading in to the final few days of our road trip through Normandy & Brittany, I wanted a place to stop over on our way from Mont Saint-Michel to Saint-Just, where the wedding was located. A few blogs suggested this “Disney-esque” town (pronounced: dee-naan) in theContinue reading “Dinan, France”

Mont Saint-Michel: Normandy, France

Ah, Mont Saint-Michel, you tourist-trap beauty! 2.5 million – that’s how many come to Mont Saint-Michel per year, and we were one of them. Well, two of them I suppose. I honestly had never heard of Mont Saint-Michel until we started planning this trip, but I’m a sucker for a good castle and a greatContinue reading “Mont Saint-Michel: Normandy, France”

D-Day Landing Beaches: An American’s Guide

First, I’d like to start out by wishing us a Happy Anniversary! It was a coincidence that this trip coincided with our third wedding anniversary, andddd… this is the only picture we took together all day. Why? Well, apparently spending holidays learning about wars is our thing now: Christmas at the Vietnam War Remnants museum,Continue reading “D-Day Landing Beaches: An American’s Guide”

Fécamp & Étretat, France

“I dunno – cliffs and sh*t?” My response when our friend, Michelle, asked what we were going to see on our road-trip through France. It’s been a long and boring summer – well, for me at least. Hence why the blog was dead as a doorknob until Shane came back from Corsica. In all honestyContinue reading “Fécamp & Étretat, France”

Corsica, France

“Are you going to blog about your trip?” “You never blog anymore.” “You’ve been home a month and a half!” “The blog is dead. It needs your contribution on account of I have nothing.” ….maybe I should write a blog post about my trip to Corsica? I spent the entire month of June on anContinue reading “Corsica, France”

Montpellier, France

I have had a serious case of the travel bug lately. It’s holiday season here in the Netherlands (aka: vacation season, for all the Americans in the room). It starts around May, when there are a lot of public holidays, and peaks in August. People at work are literally going on their 2nd round ofContinue reading “Montpellier, France”

Groningen, Paris, & Amsterdam Too !

Guess who came to visit? If you guessed Shane’s family, then you guessed Wright! My almost in-laws and nephew (6 more weeks! – not that anyone is counting) made the trek from southwest Virginia to spend 10 days in Europe with Shane, Meatball and me. Two planes and a train ride later put them hereContinue reading “Groningen, Paris, & Amsterdam Too !”