Our Dubrovnik Wedding

Well, well well! Lookie what we have! Wedding photos!! We’ve had them for a few weeks, but we wanted to surprise the parents for Christmas. In the meantime, I’ve been dying a slow death on the inside not being able to share them. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Photos byContinue reading “Our Dubrovnik Wedding”

It’s a Nice Day for a…Wright Wedding

in Dubrovnik, Croatia! 9 September 2016 …it kind of messes up the whole “Crosson” Europe the “Wright” way thing, but I guess we will manage. 🙂 Unfortunately, this is the only picture we have of the day so far. We’re still waiting on the professional photos. I can say, though, that the day could notContinue reading “It’s a Nice Day for a…Wright Wedding”