Butterfly Collecting 101: Balsas & Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Guys, I’m a field biologist now! Ok, not really, but I did go on my first trip to the field with Shane, and I don’t think I did half bad! Shane has been to the field a few times now. He went to Tanzania for his PhD project and joined a group in Corsica betweenContinue reading “Butterfly Collecting 101: Balsas & Vilcabamba, Ecuador”

Corsica, France

“Are you going to blog about your trip?” “You never blog anymore.” “You’ve been home a month and a half!” “The blog is dead. It needs your contribution on account of I have nothing.” ….maybe I should write a blog post about my trip to Corsica? I spent the entire month of June on anContinue reading “Corsica, France”