Ecuador Reflections

It seems like both yesterday and a thousand years ago we were packing our bags for Ecuador. Now that we’re back in Germany, I wanted to reflect on our experience living there. Without a doubt, we are different people now than when we arrived, in a good way! So, here we go. First, this soundsContinue reading “Ecuador Reflections”

Midad del Mundo, el Teleférico, & Other Ecuadorian Adventures

Can we talk about the fact that it’s July? How did that happen? Shane and I are just back from a glorious 10 days in the Galápagos Islands (!!), but before I get to that, I need to round out my family trip back in *gasp* April, when my mom visited for about 3 weeks.Continue reading “Midad del Mundo, el Teleférico, & Other Ecuadorian Adventures”

Rafting in Tena, Ecuador, with Raft Amazonia

We’re switching it up, folks! When Sis and Terry were here, we went rafting with Raft Amazonia, a Kichwa-run rafting company in Tena. We had THE BEST TIME! However, in this case, I don’t think my words can do it justice. On the other hand, Terry’s a storyteller; his words make you feel our experience.Continue reading “Rafting in Tena, Ecuador, with Raft Amazonia”

Our First Visitors in Tena, Ecuador!

Finally! This trip was a long time coming. Sis and Terry were supposed to come to visit back in July, but thanks to the nationwide protests during that time, they ended up canceling their trip a week before they were due to arrive. Shane and I were super excited for them to visit! Somehow, it’sContinue reading “Our First Visitors in Tena, Ecuador!”

Getting a Professional Visa in Ecuador: A Cautionary Tale

Do you know what I hate? Not rules. I actually don’t mind rules. I may not always agree with them, but I know what to expect from the situation. What I hate is ambiguousness. When it comes to bureaucratic nonsense, I get it. There are going to be hoops to jump through. But, I wantContinue reading “Getting a Professional Visa in Ecuador: A Cautionary Tale”

Tena, Ecuador: Arahuana Jungle Resort & Spa

Sometimes I forget that Tena is actually a city surrounded by nature…rainforest nature. A mere 2.6 km outside Tena is this beautiful resort tucked away in the forest. We first heard about Arahuana from Shane’s work colleague, who described this magical Resort del Dia (resort for the day) package. So, a few weeks ago, whenContinue reading “Tena, Ecuador: Arahuana Jungle Resort & Spa”

Tena, Ecuador: Six-month Impressions

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve been in Ecuador for six months! Talking about how time flies feels cliche; it’s simultaneously so overused but so true. On the one hand, it feels like we’ve been here for a while. We’ve settled into our apartment and gotten into a daily routine. On the other hand, whereContinue reading “Tena, Ecuador: Six-month Impressions”

Hello, 2022!

Belated Feliz Navidad and Feliz año nuevo! A little belated, of course. A brief life update. We DO have visas now, but the process is still ongoing. So, more on that later. For now… Christmas in Tena! Since we went home to the US twice this year (🙌), we knew we were going to stayContinue reading “Hello, 2022!”